It’s Raining Cats and Dogs in Goa
We spend two days at Benaulim. Not much going on here as it’s out of season: most places such as markets and beach huts are closed. It’s a pleasant enough village nonetheless and the local wine shop sells the quart of beer for 60INR with 5INR deposit on the bottle. Antonette’s Guest House (Jack Corner, House #1695, Vas Waddo) is in the middle of the palms and has clean rooms. We intend to spend a day at the beach but it starts to rain heavily. Someone has abandoned 5 puppies and a kitten by the road side and we cannot ignore their yelping as the rain batters down on them. We find them some shelter under an unoccupied palm-hut and wish them well. The rest of our time is spent indoors due to heavy rain.
One highlight is that we find a restaurant with a “George Clooney” Lavazza coffee machine and we indulge in a couple of these.